The Resource Centre (RC) is committed to assisting operational communities in identifying their priorities, needs, and work planning for successful implementation of their Land Code. Under the Training Mentorship and Professional Development (TMPD) strategy, the RC continues to develop and deliver fundamental and technical Lands Governance training under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (FA) based on the following design principles:
- Real-life and reality-based emphasis on FA Lands Governance
- Easy and flexible access to meet First Nation’s specific capacity building needs
- Delivery by staff and experts with FA Lands Governance experience
- Materials are specific to the requirements of the FA
- Online components designed to be self-paced, and user directed
TMPD Strategy
The TMPD strategy is intended to complement, enhance or “fill in” the aspects of detailed Framework Agreement specific education not offered elsewhere; not to compete with existing institutions. This strategy focuses specifically on the experience of operational First Nations, as well as the legal and practical considerations associated with land code implementation and the Framework Agreement. The need for training, mentorship, and professional development through a variety of vehicles that focus directly on the FA is therefore fundamental.
The strategy also aims at providing more in-depth training in areas that are specific to Framework Agreement communities such as, environment, enforcement, law making, land use planning, land registry, and land inventory systems under the Framework Agreement. The cornerstone of the strategy is that all face-to-face workshops, online offerings, and program components will incorporate each First Nations needs and context, involve real life situations and be facilitated by experienced Framework Agreement experts to ensure direct and relevant application to individual First Nation context.
The following information will outline the knowledge sharing services that offered through TMPD.
Workshops & Webinars
These sessions are designed to deliver general information and updates on specific topics that are relevant to the needs of Lands Governance Directors, lands staff, and communities implementing land code. These workshops and webinars provide knowledge sharing opportunities through experienced First Nation participants that provide expertise towards a specific subject matter. You can access both upcoming and past events through the LABRC website or by clicking on the hyperlinks in this document. All webinars and workshops are recorded for later viewing, along with a copy of the presentation and other materials.
Online Courses
Our online courses are short courses that have been created on topics that are informed by the key functions of a Lands Governance Office operating under the Framework Agreement. These courses also have a supporting workbook and supplemental resources that can be used in webinars, workshops, and for individual learning. Courses are reviewed and periodically updated with current practices. There are presently over 50 online courses available, with several additional ones in development. Courses can be accessed through our Online Course Catalogue.
Knowledge Paths Tool & Training Plans
Our newest addition to the TMPD Strategy is the Knowledge Paths Tool, which is now available for online registration. Learners can access this through our website to create their own Knowledge Path account. Unfortunately, it is not open to non-signatory members at this time.
The TMPD Knowledge Path is a valuable tool that can be used to identify your training needs and learning goals. This tool can assist you in strengthening your core land governance competencies by supporting growth and advancement in knowledge areas specific to your own community needs.
When you attend a workshop, webinar, or complete an online course, you will be able to view a certificate of completion in your Knowledge Paths Tool account. From there, you can download your certificate and print off for your records.
Once you have used the Knowledge Paths tool to determine your learning goals, we can further assist you with building an Individual Training Plan. These individual training plans are based on the land governance core competencies to assist learners in identifying and prioritizing their training needs and goals. Once identified, we suggest courses and programs that are flexible, skill-specific, and practical, to assist learners in filling in knowledge gaps without a need to take time away from the office. You can access the training plan package here.
Land Governance Manual
The Land Governance Manual (LGM) is a resource tool for operational First Nations under the Framework Agreement. It provides extensive documentation, process support and guidance. It is available electronically through a web-based APP for Lands staff to reference as required and can be accessed here.
Knowledge Repository
The Knowledge Repository is central to the design philosophy of the TMPD strategy and provides a searchable electronic repository of land governance examples, templates and other resource tools to support Operational First Nations. You can access the Knowledge Repository here.
Direct Community Support
One of the TMPD key strategy considerations is the ability to reach, inform, educate, and support the various intended audiences involved in Framework Agreement First Nation communities. Support for Land Code development, implementation and land governance activities under Framework Agreement needs to be delivered community-wide:
- Lands Governance Directors, Lands Managers, Lands Staff, Administration and other
- departmental staff
- Chief & Councils
- Lands Committees
- Community members at large
Each First Nation will be different, but we can start assisting with those fundamental best practice approaches that have been developed in collaboration with Fist Nations actively implementing land governance processes, policy, and procedures under their Land Code.
Knowledge sharing opportunities are encouraged. Please contact your Land Code Governance Advisor if you would like to conduct workshops, networking opportunities with member communities, or would like any additional information.