To assist in building your Electronic Lands Inventory, you can extract reports from FNLRS.

  1. Search Instrument – FNLRS, Reserve Name, Advance Search Criteria “Instrument Effective”, other qualifiers that you may want to add to the spreadsheet.
  2. Then Search, export, open and format excel table and save.
  3. Review for formatting issues and modify for First Nation use.


Once INAC provides your Netlands Reports, you have the option to request access to Netlands through your Citrix account. Depending on your compliance and monitoring requirements, you may want to consider developing your own inventory system using MS Excel and MS Outlook programs to assist in your time management needs.


Most First Nation have created their own hard file systems based on INAC indexing system as it was easier to integrate the documents in their original file structure.

However some organizations have updated their systems to include electronic file systems, such as Westbank who uses Vadim & Lasherfische as their digital platforms.

If you are interested in researching File Management Systems, it is recommended that the Land Governance office work with their IT Departments to find what will work best throughout the organization.

  • Coordination of files received from INAC (format electronic, BC Region/others)
  • Sample letter of request
  • Inventory – Outstanding issues and ESA Phase 1, Estates, TLH, Family Lands (samples)

If you need further assistance with your Land Inventory needs, please contact your FNLMRC Support Technician.

The examples provided relate to common law jurisdictions. They must be adapted in Quebec when dealing with bi-juridical concepts. For additional support, seek assistance from the FNLMRC Support Staff.